A lot of people find reading books boring but there are many who just love to read. Well, we all will always have this difference of opinion. However, if you are from the former category, you might not have read the right kind of books. We tell you how and why.
Novels have the capability of taking the reader to a different world. They allow us to exercise our brain while reading and create a universe of its own inside our heads and kickstart our imagination. And trust us, there is a different thrill in that. If you want to start reading but are confused about where to start, here is a list of novels that you can jump on to right away:
'Tuesdays with Morrie'
'Tuesdays with Morrie' was written by an American author Mitch Albom. The novel follows the journey of the author. In the Novel, he talks about his favourite college professor Morrie Schwartz. One day the author discovers that his professor is suffering from a disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
His professor and the author deide to meet every Tuesday and talk about almost anything and everything. The memoir will make you believe how beautiful a student and a teacher relationship can be.
'The Kite Runner'
This critically acclaimed book is written by Afghan-American author Khalid Hosseini. The story revolves around Hassan, son of a servant, belonging to the ‘Hazara’ community of Afghanistan, and Amir, a rich privileged friend.
Their lives change on the day of the famous kite competition when Hassan promises Amir to help him win and says “for you, thousand times over".
It is a Japanese book that means finding a purpose in life that makes you jump out of your bed every morning. This book introduces you to the island of Okinawa in Japan where around 24.55% of people are 100 years old.
'The Diary of a Young Girl'
The 'Diary of a Young Girl' or popularly known as 'The Diary of Anne Frank' follows the journey of a Jewish teenager named Anne Frank. During the Nazi inavsion, Frank and her family had to go into hiding in order to survive from the German forces. However, they are found and finally taken to a Nazi camp. Her diary was discovered by the helpers Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl from the secret annex. Later on, Franks' father Otto Frank published the diary.
'And Then There Were None'
Written by famous English writer Agatha Christie, the book is about ten people who are invited to a lonely island one day by an unknown person who goes by the name of UN Owen.