A plantation and tree adoption drive has been started from Dwarka Apartments and Shruti Apartments, Sector 7, Dwarka, initiated by Rise Foundation, a non-profit organisation along with Eco Friends Trust for the greenathon of 1500 plants in Dwarka. The initiative officially started today with the support of MLA Sushree Bhavna Gaur. The plantation was attended by the society residents with a lot of enthusiasm. Some Belapatr Saplings were donated to New Ashiyana Apartments and also to individual nature lovers last week.
A few weeks back, Rise foundation along with Eco Friends Trust initiated a greenathon of 1500 plants in Dwarka. For this, they circulated a google form link in the Dwarka residents group for people to share their contact details if they do plantations in their society. All the planted plants will be nurtured by RWA.
Sumit Nagpal, a resident of Dwarka said, "As a resident, I would like to thank the Delhi government, especially Sushree Bhavna Gaur Ji and team Rise Foundation for this initiative. Plants also have life and with this initiative, we will get a better tomorrow with better air quality in our city. Trees are an important part of every community and of the environment. Our streets, parks, playgrounds, and backyards once lined with trees will create a peaceful, aesthetically pleasing environment. Once again, thanks for this wonderful drive".
Madhukar Varshney, the founder of Rise Foundation NGO said, "This is a small initiative towards Green Dwarka and Green Delhi. Most plants in open places do not survive due to irregular maintenance and lack of water. So we initiated this adoption of plants within CGHS premises, which will ensure the survival of these plants. Rise Foundation is working on a comprehensive plan of managing plants in open spaces, which will need money and resources. We are looking at various options to collect money".
Anurag Bahl, a resident of Dwarka said, "It is indeed a great initiative, however, it shouldn't be left like this, efforts should be also done for its maintenance. This way, these plants can survive for a long time. Also, an example will be set up for future generations.