Dwarka commuters bearing the brunt of invisible speed breakers
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Dwarka commuters bearing the brunt of invisible speed breakers

Many vehicles have not noticed them and turned turtle as a result

Dwarka commuters bearing the brunt of invisible speed breakers

Dwarka: In 2019, an accident happened in Sector 19 near Bharat Vandana Apartments in which an e-rickshaw turned turtle. A couple of months back, a similar incident happened in Sector 6. In both cases, the commuters somehow survived and sustained minor injuries.

When you look at the cause of the accidents, you would be surprised to know that it was because of a ‘speed breaker’ which was not visible. As a result, the vehicles didn’t notice them and were at their own speed when they met with an accident.

In the subject, the then Vice President of Dwarka Forum and a resident of Bharat Vandana Apartments, Sunil Sareen reported this matter to the concerned department. From 2019 till now across the city, one can see that the condition has not changed and the speed breakers which were invisible those days are still invisible.

Read | Dwarka Sector 6 market: nerve centre of shopping

On the other hand, there are many speed breakers on master plan roads like road numbers 201, 202, 205, 226, which are invisible as there is no mark to locate the position and heights of the speed breakers.

General secretary of RWA, Dwarkadheesh Apartments in Sector 12, Anjana Pandey said, “Those speed breakers are made of bitumen and concrete and completely black in colour, same as the colour of the road surface. Once my friend fell down from the scooter while approaching Ashirvad Chowk as he could not guess that there was a big speed breaker in front of Surabhi Apartments and market of sector 11 on the main road. This speed breaker has been without any marking for a long time.”

Apart from speed breakers, the zebra crossing markings at some places have almost disappeared. Under such a situation, commuters are not in a position to locate it and they stop the vehicles on the passage left for pedestrians to cross the road. At those places where there are cameras to catch the people who cross the stop line, commuters are finding it difficult to locate the limit and so sometimes stop the vehicle after that.

Invisible zebra crossing at Sector 5 and 6 

Law-abiding people and advocates of safe pedestrian routes are saying that the zebra crossing and speed breakers must be marked properly and they should not be left faded and invisible. They say that those who follow the rules are finding it difficult to cross the roads or commute on the wider master plan roads with invisible speed breakers.

General secretary of Seniors Hub Dwarka and a resident of Sector 7, Ravi Jaitely who has been promoting pedestrian safety in the community said, “We want to use the traffic rules, we want to respect what the norms are. But if there is lacking from the side of authority then how can we follow the rules. These are small things to do and these things promote the approach to respect the rules by the community people. If you had a proper system, anyone would think twice in breaking the rules.”

On one hand, the Delhi Traffic Police and administration is promoting safe pedestrian and road safety in Delhi, on the other hand, the infrastructure for that is deteriorating day-by-day. People are raising their voices against such issues but the results do not seem not satisfactory until now.

1021 Days Ago
good story
Sakshi Tickoo
Sakshi Tickoo
1021 Days Ago
authority should look into this matter
1019 Days Ago
Very important topic. The issue should get the attention of authorities.