Noida: Noida Federation of Apartment Owners of Association (NOFAA) wrote a letter to the CEO of Noida Authority on March 24, 2022, requesting the setting up of a cluster-based decentralized waste management plant in Noida.
As gathered, NOFAA has requested CEO, Ritu Maheswari to allocate land to build decentralized waste processing plants in convenient locations. As per them, this can help to reduce waste through scientific waste processing and disposal methods.
"There are 24 high-rise complexes in Sector 50 and almost 4500 families live in these apartments. There are other bulk waste generators such as schools, shops, banks, etc. This facility is planned to accommodate all bulk waste generators so that approx 6500+ kgs of segregated waste can be scientifically processed and disposed of." says Rajiva.
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Rajiva Singh adds, “Setting up a decentralized plant by forming clusters of high rise societies would make a logical approach to achieve the desired goals of Swachh Bharat. By executing a cluster-based approach, the city can get closer to its objective of achieving complete SWM16 compliances.”
Members added that the majority of high-rise societies are over a decade old and there has been no provision by the builder for SWM16 compliances in these societies. No space or funds have been allocated in these condominiums. In a talk with CitySpidey, NOFAA President Rajiva Singh shared that they have created a cluster with the AOAs of Sector 50. Clusters for other sectors such as Sector 76, 61, 62, 93, 137, and among others are already being planned.
As per NOFAA members, it is not legally possible for the Noida Authority to provide subsidies for the cluster-based decentralized waste management plant. As a result, NOFAA members, as a part of the Swachhta initiative and to achieve compliance with solid waste management rules 2016, have convinced many of the Apartment Owners’ Associations (AOAs) to form clusters and opt for common waste processing facilities which should be self-financed.
Rajesh Sahay, General Secretary, NOFAA says, “Waste processing clusters should be created along with apartment clusters. Few sectors have a large number of apartments and highrise buildings. This will help Noida Authority to process 90 percent waste of the city.”