Health benefits of Butternut Squash
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Health benefits of Butternut Squash

100g of butternut squash has about 2g of fibre or 7% of the daily allowance for adults

Health benefits of Butternut Squash

Butternut squash, a variety of winter squash that grows on a vine, is technically a fruit. It has an oval, long shape and a firm,  bell-bottomed, yellow-orange skin covering the inner, orange meat and seeds. Butternut squash is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with pumpkins and zucchini.

Squash is one of the oldest crops grown today, originating in Mexico and Central America around 10,000 years ago. The Native American word  askutasquash, meaning eaten raw or undercooked, is where the word squash originates.

Butternut squash has a moderate flavour that is sweet and nutty. You might compare its taste to a hybrid of sweet potato, carrot, and turnip.

What are butternut squash's top health advantages?

Can benefit eye health

Zeaxanthin and lutein are two phytonutrients that have been linked to protecting eye health, and butternut squash contain both of them.  Diets abundant in colourful fruits and vegetables, including butternut squash, are excellent sources of beta-carotene, which our bodies  convert into vitamin A and is essential for eye health and healthy cell regeneration.

Support digestion

A single cooked 100g of butternut squash has about 2g of fibre or 7% of the daily allowance for adults. Fibre can aid in digestion and ward  against constipation, in addition to being strongly linked to a lower risk of heart disease, bowel cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Support bone health

A diversified diet full of fruits and vegetables may lower the risk of osteoporosis. A 2016 study discovered that postmenopausal women's healthy bone mass was favourably correlated with diets high in vegetables and those containing beta-carotene, vitamin C, zinc, and sodium. Butternut squash, a vegetable that loves bones because it has all of these nutrients, is a vegetable.

Butternut Squash Recipe

  • The butternut squash needs to be prepared once it has been peeled. Slice it in half lengthwise, then use a spoon to remove the seeds. As  with pumpkin seeds, you can either discard them or lay them out on a baking sheet and roast them in the oven.
  • Butternut squash may be prepared in a plethora of mouthwatering ways.
  • Cut the squash into cubes, then cook them in water until they are tender.
  • Cube the squash, spread it out on a baking sheet, brush with oil, and  season with salt and pepper to roast it. After that, roast in the oven  until fully cooked.