Our zodiac signs reveal the aura of our personality that is unique for every individual. Our specific distinctiveness mostly depends on the zodiac signs that we carry since our birth. As per western astrology our date of birth is the most vital one in order to decide the zodiac sign. Our date of birth decides the astrological signs that we possess and these are popularly known as sun signs as per western astrological beliefs. Our overall thought process, sense of responsibility, our behavior, attitude towards life, performances, body language, physical appearance, strength, intelligence, friendliness, communication skill and many more things depend on our zodiac signs.
There are so many interesting facts that you might be willing to explore about your sun signs. It is not only interesting but it is a big task to explore lots of things that may help to enhance the positive energy level of you sun sign. Like dates, places, timings, food, colours so many factors are there that may have an effect on our sun signs. Colours are very important for our zodiacs, so let’s find out which colours are suitable for which sun signs:
Confidence is a constant attribute of Aries. Hence, a shade of blood red will complement that individual's character. Red is the right color to represent the ferocity of these people and their desire to control the world. But to calm this energy, kids should dress in pastels like pink or white.
Wearing shades of white, cream, or pink will complement your natural beauty. If you want to look your best, you should stay away from dark red. Nonetheless, a maroon-red suit is acceptable.
Also read: Which Y2K fashion trend should you try based on your zodiac sign
it’s an indication of development, originality, and rejuvenation. So, any clothing in a green shade would complement your behavior. If green isn't your thing, you can choose from a wide variety of other colors to express your individuality.
Cancerians tend to be peaceful people. For them, the luckiest color to wear when making a statement is yellow. In addition, colors like blue, marine green and white will complement their mellow demeanor. Avoid red as much as possible, as it can be too stimulating for sensitive and emotional Cancer.
Because of their naturally dominant personalities, Leos benefit greatly from wearing orange. If vibrant colours like purple, gold, and red are more your style, then also these colours will benefit you.
Dedicated, original, critical, and resolute Virgos look great in the softest, most subtle tones of any color. Green, moss green, and bottle green also complement your personality.
Libra is the sign that has Air as its main element and the ruling planet is Venus. Lavender should be the right colour to pick for this sun sign as it brings awareness, enlightenment and openness and this also works well for growth in life. That apart blue, pristine white and pale white are also lucky .
Scorpions are cryptic and passionate creatures; therefore it makes sense that they would appreciate Gothic architecture. Because of this, they look great in shades of black, dark purple, maroon, and bottle green; light and pastel colors should be avoided.
In order to convey your personality, try wearing shades of orange, crimson, or canary yellow. Yellow and blue are also acceptable alternatives. White is another option if you're looking for a calming color scheme to experiment with.
Capricorns should wear earthy tones like brown and khaki to highlight their unique qualities. White, works excellently well with them. Don't wear a crimson or very dark red if you can help it.
Individuals of this sun sign are confident, self-reliant, and laid back. Thus, the range of violet tone is what most appeals to them. The shade is a perfect reflection of their free-spirited and unique character.
Pisceans are sensitive, mystics, and dreamers. Wearing a yellow outfit is guaranteed to get them to change their minds. Pisceans are sensitive souls who should steer clear of the color green.