Their demands included issues which the residents of different societies are facing inside and outside the societies.
Office bearers of 52 societies on Saturday met with Pankaj Singh, local MLA, at his office in Sector 26, under their umbrella residents body Noida Federation of Apartments Association (NOFAA) for high rise. They demanded solution of 9 problems which they have been facing since long in their residential areas.
These demands include issues which the residents of different societies are facing inside and outside the societies.
They complained to MLA that all high rises were developed by different private reality companies. At the time of purchasing the flats, the builders collected huge sum of money from each home buyer as interest free maintenance service (IFMS) fund. Though many developers handed over the maintenance to elected management board of each society, they are yet to return the fund, which is in several crores. They said that the fund should be handed over to the members of the societies at the earliest.
Residents also demanded roll back of proposed power tariff hike and hike of past three years during which about 40 per cent power tariff was increased.
Moreover, they demanded structural audit of the highrises in order to know about the construction material used for erecting the buildings as they are doubtful that the builders might have used poor quality construction material. They said that the structural audit should be done for all the high-rises so that Shahberi incident is not repeated. The Shahberi incident happened in Shahberi village where nine people were killed when two buildings collapsed.
They said that the audit has to be conducted as Noida falls under seismic zone 4, which is more prone to earthquake.
Further, they complained that the fire service department issued no objection certificate to several developers despite things not being in order in many societies. They should recheck the compliance at societies before issuing completion certificates to developers.
Apart, other demands which the residents put before Pankaj Singh are pending flat registry, control of stray animals menace at societies, maintaining of passenger lifts, covering of open drains, repairing of sewage damaged walls and disposal of domestic waste and treatment of sewer at each sewage treatment plant.
Rajiva Singh, president of the umbrella residents body, was also present at the meeting.
Pankaj Singh accepted the demands of the residents and assured them that action will be taken to solve the problems.