Noida: The proposal of allotment of vending zone to around 66 roadside vendors in Sector 34, Noida, is not sitting well with the residents living in the area. They are miffed with this decision of making their internal roads as the vending zones. The residents are holding meets to convey their displeasure to the authority.
On Thursday, the RWAs of the sector held a meeting to discuss the matter. The meeting was headed by Federation of RWA, Sector 34, an umbrella organisation of the RWAs in the sector.
Dharmendra Sharma, General Secretary of the federation and president of RWA Aravali Apartments said that the sector does not require any more vendors. “We have four market complexes which adequately caters to the need of the residents living here. Besides, 30-35 vendors of fruits, vegetables and other perishables are already selling to the residents. We don't need it anymore,” he said.
Generally, vending zone helps the residents as it streamlines the herd of roadside vendors. It shuns encroachment and make traffic movement smooth. However, in this case, the residents are opposing, and the reason is the placement of the vending zone. The residents claimed that the Noida Authority has decided to place vendors at the boundary walls and main gates of the societies.
“The authority is going to double the existing strength of the vendors. Why they are giving space to outside vendors when we have enough of them already. Placing them by boundary walls and gates would create encroachment and traffic jam would follow as people will park their vehicles haphazardly in order to buy stuff from them (vendors),” Sharma said.
KK Jain, president of the federation said that the sector is already burdened with traffic of different sector and a metro station, the establishment of the vending zone would create a traffic lockdown of their internal roads.
“Our sector is surrounded by various localities like sector 51, 52 and many others. Since we have not walled our sector, the vehicles of surrounding sectors take our internal roads for commuting. Besides, people use our internal roads to reach the metro station of sector 34. In this situation, when we are already burdened with traffic, the establishment of the vending zone would be creating a mess for the people living here,” he said.
Sector 34, which is divided into two blocks, has 14 societies where more than 30,000 residents live. The residents told CitySpidey that the area is already commercially adequate to fulfil the needs of the residents. The sector has four shopping complexes -- Amaltas, Jasmine, Moulshree and B12B. In addition to it, the sectors host a weekly market on Friday which is touted to be the biggest weekly market of Noida.
SK Singhal, president of RWA of Himgiri Apartments said that the authority is totally disregarding the issues and suggestions of residents. Singhal told CitySpidey that the RWAs had given an option for the vending zone that the authority rejected. “We had proposed them to establish vending zone at the road behind the community centre of the sector 34,” he claimed.
"Why are we being forced with vending zones when not a single resident of sector 34 is approving it? Is the authority for the welfare of people or have turned into a trade union?” Singhal asked.
Mukesh Vaishya, senior manager at Noida Authority told that now the decision of choosing spot for the pending zone is left on the residents of the area. “After knowing their displeasure with our selection of spots for the pending zone, we have left this decision upon the residents. They have selected 7-8 spots and intimated us about it. We will decide the feasibility of establishing vending zones there after their field survey,” he said.