Krishna Nagar residents given separate dustbins for proper waste segregation
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Krishna Nagar residents given separate dustbins for proper waste segregation

The EDMC has installed Biomithim Garbage recycling plant in Geeta Colony

Krishna Nagar residents given separate dustbins for proper waste segregation

New Delhi: More than two dozen residents of Krishna Nagar were given dustbins for collection of garbage.

The East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) has installed biomethane garbage recycling plant in East Delhi's Geeta Colony for proper segregation of garbage. The plant will also produce methane gas.

Chairman Standing Committee, Sandeep Kapoor, said, “Many awareness programmes have also been organised in the area for proper segregation of waste. It is necessary that people segregate garbage at household level only so that rag-pickers can easily put the garbage in separate coloured bins.”

He added that green coloured bins are for bio waste, blue dry recyclable waste such as such as newspapers, cardboard, packing plastics, etc and red is for general household rubbish such as diapers, bandages etc which can neither go into blue nor in green bins.