New Delhi: Google has honoured the legendary Hollywood child actress Shirley Temple with a doodle on Wednesday. Not only was she a child actress, she was a singer, dancer and a diplomat as well.
You must have seen her face as a child actor somewhere because she became such a huge star at such a young age. Winning an Oscar at the age of 6 is just one of the many acclaims this icon has achieved.
Born on April 23, 1928 in California, Temple was well recognised for her signature dimples and her blonde ringlet curls. She started her dancing training just at the age of 3. She is also popularly known as Shirley ‘Little Miss Miracle’ Temple.
She appeared in 29 films from the age of 3-10. Her best works include ‘Stand Up and Cheer’, ‘Bright Eyes’, ‘Curly Top’ and so on. In Bright Eyes, her number ‘On The Good Ship Lollipop’ became a huge hit.
Temple retired from acting at the age of 22, after which, she dedicated her life to public service and became US representative to the United Nations in 1969 and had a long and successful diplomatic career.
On this day in 2015, the Santa Monica History Museum opened 'Love, Shirley Temple', an exhibit featuring a collection of her ‘rare memorabilia’. The google doodle features Shirley as a little dancing girl, an award winning actor and a diplomat.