New Delhi: The Assessment and Collection Department of South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) on Friday issued a circular to inform the property tax payers about the opening of office on weekends. The decision was taken in order to ensure the timely payment of the tax.
According to the circular, it has been decided that for the filing of Self Assessment Return for the year 2021-22 and deposition of property tax with 15% permissible rebate by the taxpayers, all the offices of A&C Department, SDMC will remain open on Saturdays falling on 12th, 19th and 26th June and Sunday falling on 27th June respectively.
The timings of the office will be from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm with half an hour lunch break in between 1.00 pm and 1.30 pm.
All the property owners/taxpayers can now deposit their taxes on the above mentioned days.