Noida: Squatters take over park area, say residents of 7x
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Noida: Squatters take over park area, say residents of 7x

“We approached the authority every week to make a park for Sector 76 residents for almost 5 years"

Noida: Squatters take over park area, say residents of 7x

The residents of Sector 76 Noida have complained that encroachers have been occupying the area which is meant for the park. They also said that for the last 5 years, the residents here have had neither a park to walk nor a place for children to play. They further said they moved to the authority about this issue. They came to know that the  land behind JM Orchid & Skytech is proposed for the park as per the master plan.

Sachin Goyal, a resident of Sector 76, said, “We approached the authority every week to make a park for Sector 76 residents for almost 5 years. However, every time we go to the authorities, they say that this land is not acquired right now and that it is still with the farmers. The important thing is that all lands that builder wanted were cleared but wherever amenities are required, there they say the land is not cleared. We also wrote a letter to the Horticulture department in 2019, they didn’t know if this land was cleared or not.

The Horticulture department further wrote a letter to the Civil Department asking them to make a boundary on that land, so a park can be made there. However, they also got the same reply that this land is disputed. We got to know that most of this land is not disputed, only some part of the land is disputed. Now, from last 4 months,  every week a new nursery is opening. Also just on the front road, a new settlement is coming up. Along with some more shops, two mobile towers are also there which are hardly 50 meters away from our society. We have tweeted many times on this issue but nothing positive came out”.

Sandeep Jindal, a resident of Sector 76, said, “Authority says that this land is disputed, then how come these people are encroaching this area?”

There are a total of six societies in Sector 76 which have around more than 10000 flats.

1008 Days Ago
nice report