SDMs to take charge of anti pollution campaign in Delhi
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SDMs to take charge of anti pollution campaign in Delhi

He emphasized that the government has issued a complete ban on fire-crackers to curb pollution

SDMs to take charge of anti pollution campaign in Delhi

New Delhi: In a recent development, Environment Minister Gopal Rai announced that the Delhi government has given all DSMs the power to take charge of the anti pollution campaign in Delhi. SDMs all over the capital have been instructed to hold meetings with RWAs, market associations, and other eminent figures to generate awareness among the people of Delhi.

With Diwali season approaching, the SDMs have been authorised to take direct action and seize illegal sales of firecrackers. People of Delhi are urged to also report any illegal use on the Green Delhi App.

He further said that public participation and introducing new technologies can further the fight against pollution. The pilot project of the smog tower installed in Connaught Place is being regularly monitored by scientists of IIT Delhi and Bombay, and its effectiveness is being assessed every three months.

Delhi Government is working on four major fronts to accelerate public participation in curbing pollution levels in Delhi. First, the Anti-dust campaign to tackle dust pollution; second, vehicle pollution is being curbed through the ‘Red Light On, Gaadi Off’ campaign; third, bio-decomposers are being used throughout Delhi to minimize the incoming pollution from stubble; and fourth, use of Green Delhi App is being encouraged to involve the people of Delhi and address pollution complaints through the green war room.”

All 33 SDMs of Delhi will be given instructions and power to increase public participation in fight against pollution; to encourage and sensitise the people of Delhi. A meeting held by the SDMs will provide all attending RWAs with the target of holding awareness meetings in their respective localities on 31st October, Sunday. A specific template is to be followed including discussion of pollution caused by burning of waste, dust, vehicular pollution, and the requirement of PUC certificates to keep their emissions in check.

He further emphasized that the Delhi government has issued a complete ban on fire-crackers to curb pollution. However, reports of illegal storage and sales have been reported, and hence all SDMs have been instructed to organise anti cracker campaigns all throughout Delhi.

1008 Days Ago
nice step