The DD RWA, Gautam Budh Nagar wrote a letter to Ritu Maheshwari, CEO, Noida on January 25th, 2022 raising concern over the use of groundwater by officials to irrigate the plants at Meghdootam park, Sector 50, Noida. Instead, they suggested in the letter that officials must make use of STP water from the plant located just 200 meters away from the park.
DD RWA has raised their voice against the exploitation of water by digging submersibles for irrigation of grass and trees in Meghdootam Park. According to the association, the underground water is being exploited by the horticulture department of Noida Authority for use in the irrigation of grass and trees and for this more submersibles are being installed.
Sanjeev Kumar, Vivek President shared that ten days ago, excavation for another submersible was being done exactly near the main gate/entry gate of Meghduttam park and today (January 25, 2022), excavation of submersible is underway in another area in the park near the fountain which is absolutely wrong.
Kumar says, "Despite having an STP plant just 200 meters away from the Park, the Authority is exploiting the groundwater for irrigation of the parks. DD RWA Horticulture Department is thus requesting the higher officials of the Noida Authority to make use of STP water for irrigation keeping in mind the importance of water. Being at a position of responsibility, the Authority should act against the exploitation of water, but if they themselves exploit groundwater what impact will it have on other members of the society."
He adds, "District Development Resident Welfare Association, Gautam Budh Nagar requests the Chief Executive Officer of Noida Authority, Ritu Maheshwari, that only STP water should be used for irrigation of parks. The Authority should take drastic steps to make this policy work."
Vinod Aggarwal, resident of Sector 50 says, "The park is so huge that the Authority will need two submersibles for irrigation. This will take a huge toll on groundwater levels. In a conversation I had regarding the use of STP water for irrigation, I learnt that an underwater STP pipeline can be connected from the park."