The trailer of Ranveer Singh's Jayeshbhai Jordaar is finally out. After the success of 83, the actor is back with this distinct character. Ranveer is seen playing a character from Gujrat who is a simpleton man, burdened by his father's wishes that he fails to fulfil.
The trailer opens with Boman Irani, who plays Ranveer's father, saying that scented soaps should be outlawed instead of alcohol because they stimulate the males in the hamlet, which leaves Jayeshbhai speechless and shocked. The film is directed by debutant Divyang Thakkar and features 'Arjun Reddy' stardom Shalini Pandey as Jayeshbhai's wife. Ratna Pathak Shah is also seen in the movie as an aggressive mother whose intentions are the same as her husband's.
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The movie deals with the issue of female foeticide and how conservative-minded people still long for a boy child instead of a girl child to carry their old patriarchal hierarchies. The tone of the film seems to be loud and hilarious. Ranveer has completely transformed himself for this role. It also seems that Ranveer has lost weight for this role.
Watch the trailer here!