Exercises to manage Sleep apnea
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Exercises to manage Sleep apnea

If the disease is left untreated for a longer period it can be life-threatening.

Exercises to manage Sleep apnea

Having a sound sleep is an important aspect of healthy living. However, many people are not able to acquire a healthy sleep even after a proper diet, balanced lifestyle and timely bed routine. This can be a result of types of sleep disorders. If people around you complain about snoring when you sleep or you feel tired even after sleep, it may be possible you may be suffering from sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder. Gasping for air during sleep, morning headache, waking up with a dry mouth and loud snoring are some signs of sleep apnea. If the disease is left untreated for a longer period it can be life-threatening.

Here are some of the exercises that can help you manage sleep apnea-

Fake yell

To do a fake yell, you need to open and stretch your mouth widely. Stick your tongue out as far as it is possible. When you stick your tongue out, the uvula that is the fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate should lift. Hold the elevated uvula for 5 to 10 minutes and practise it thrice. This exercise will help control snoring.

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Practice breathing through your nose

Practising through your nose is called nasal breathing. Nasal breathing helps to relax snoring. The more you practise breathing through your nose, the less you will experience snores at night.

Pronounce vowel sounds

Practising and pronouncing vowels A, E, I, O, and U can help to tone throat muscles so they are not as relaxed when you sleep. This means low chances of snoring. You can also enjoy singing as a part of exercise that helps to tone throat muscles.

Palate Stretch

You need to open your mouth as widely while saying “ah” in the back of the throat. Continue this activity for 20 seconds. Close the mouth, wait for some seconds and repeat it 10 times.

Hold a spoon 

Hold the metal spoon in between your lips. Remember not to carry a spoon in your teeth. Holding a spoon on your lips helps to reduce the chances of snoring.