To facilitate public hearings in DDA, the general public may obtain prior online appointments to get an exclusive slot to meet DDA officers and ascertain the status of their matter. Regarding this, they can enter DDA's Head Office Vikas Sadan, Vikas Minar and other offices of the Authority.
The public hearing days in DDA are decided to be Mondays and Thursdays. The timings are 2.30 to 4.30 pm for officers of the rank of Deputy Directors and Directors, while it is 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm for officers of the rank of Commissioners and above.
The URL for booking online appointments with DDA officers is and it is available in Citizen Centric Services under the Online Public Services tab of DDA's website All officers have been instructed to create slots to meet the general public and give priority to issues raised by them.
As per guidelines, people visiting DDA offices will have to adhere to Covid 19 protocols and social distancing norms. They will be allowed entry only after thermal screening and no risk/low-risk status in Aarogya Setu. It will be mandatory for them to have normal body temperature, no risk/low-risk status in the Aarogya Setu app and a proper face mask.
Kindly check DDA's Website, and DDA’s social media handles for further instructions and advisory.