Coconut oil is one of the most versatile oils that can be found in your pantry to your skin and hair care routine. Easily available in any departmental or grocery store, having some coconut oil always comes in handy. Here are some of the health benefits that coconut oil gives-
Coconut oil helps fight infections
Coconut oil has lauric acid in it, and lauric acid is turned into monolaurin in the body. Monolaurin is antimicrobial and helps fight off bacteria that have grown out of control.
Cholesterol can be lowered with coconut oil
Regularly eating coconut oil brings cholesterol levels back to normal by making it easier to turn cholesterol into pregnenolone and progesterone.
Coconut oil helps in healing
Coconut oil, on the other hand, is a healthy saturated fat that helps the body heal. Over 80% of the fat in coconut oil is saturated fat. Coconut oil creates a barrier that protects the skin from dirt, toxins, and other pollutants that are in the air and on the ground.
Coconut oil helps you burn fat
It can stop inflammation from happening. This can be very helpful because reducing inflammation in the body can make the thyroid and metabolism work slower. As a result, it can help you lose weight because it kills bacteria and is an antioxidant.
Great base for scrubs
If you like to do your skincare, coconut oil mixed with sugar or coarse sea salt makes a great base for an exfoliant. Mix the two ingredients, rub them into your skin very gently, and then wipe it off with a warm, wet cloth.
Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles
When used often, coconut oil can help slow down the signs of aging. By keeping the skin hydrated and soft, it makes fine lines and wrinkles much less noticeable.