A building got collapsed today evening in Najafgarh. As gathered the incident happened around 7.30 pm in Tuda Mandi in which according to police one person got injured. Police, fire department and disaster management department rushed to the spot and the rescue operation is on. According to officials on the spot the call for the incident was received by fire department around 7.30 pm. Four fire tenders and local police team reached the spot to carry out rescue operations after the call for the incident received.
Dwarka district police informed – Today at about 07:33 pm, a PCR call was received at PS Najafgarh regarding collapse of one building near Tuda Mandi. It found that two floors of the building have partially collapsed (ceilings are in hanging position). In this incident one person namely Ricky Roy (a worker at sweet shop on ground floor) got minor injuries. Other than him, as of now no injured person has been found.
The place was cordoned off by police staff and MCD and Fire brigade staff has reached on the spot who are checking for any casualty or trapped person. Situation is under control.