The nearest petrol pump for the aforementioned sectors is 8-10 km away at Sector 35 and Sector 61.
Sector 71 to 79 and from Sector 116 to 123 are in a dire need of a fuel refilling centre. Since they do not have a petrol pump in a radius of a few km. residents have to travel extra miles to fuel their cars. They have been demanding the same for quite some time now, but the authorities did not heed to them.
The nearest petrol pump for the aforementioned sectors is 8-10 km away at Sector 35 and Sector 61. The money the residents expend on the fuel to reach out to the petrol pump adds to the cost of the petrol they buy thus making it more expensive than its real price.
Many people here travel 8-10 km just to refill their car tanks. If a petrol pump is set up within the radius of 1-2 km, they would save the money they would otherwise spend on their trip to a long-distance petrol pump. It will not only benefit the residents but also the environment as it would cut down on the carbon emission their cars release during the travel to far-off petrol pumps besides reducing traffic congestion on roads.
Hence, considering the above points, priority should be given to setting up a petrol pump in close proximity to these residential areas.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article above are his own and CitySpidey does not endorse them in anyway.