SonyLiv has released the first trailer for their upcoming original Rocket Boys. The story revolves around the lives of nuclear physicists Vikram Sarabhai and Homi J Bhabha. The series, which stars Ishwak Singh as Dr Vikram Sarabhai and Jim Sarbh as Dr Homi J Bhabha, will premiere on the OTT platform on February 4.
Rocket Boys' teaser was released in August of last year. Today, January 20, SonyLiv's official Instagram account shared the Rocket Boys trailer.
"Behold the extraordinary journey of two extraordinary men. All episodes of #RocketBoys will be available on SonyLIV beginning February 4.
The trailer opens with Singh as Sarabhai conducting an experiment in the courtyard of Cambridge University in London, followed by Sarbh as Bhabha lecturing at a college. Their paths eventually cross, and they begin to collaborate.
Adding to the mystique, former president of India APJ Abdul Kalam appears in the trailer near the end.
This web series is directed by Abhay Pannu and produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, and Nikkhil Advani. It was created by Nikkhil Advani, Roy Kapur Films, and Emmay Entertainment.
Rocket Boys will retrace the steps of Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai. The series will dwell deeper into their personalities and lives to comprehend their greatness and relevance in the modern era. It will reveal how two great physicists turned their dreams into reality and made significant scientific achievements.
Regina Cassandra, Rajat Kapur, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Saba Azad, and Arjun Radhakrishnan can be seen in pivotal roles.
As soon as the video went viral, it received many likes and positive feedback from viewers. "Brilliant trailer and a unique genre!" said one user. I just hope it doesn't go unnoticed due to the glut of OTT content coming out in February!" "My God!! What stunning cinematography!! Excellent sound design, actors, and the name "Mr APJ Abdul Kalaam" at the end... Goosebumps!! This show was sold out." wrote another user.
The trailer promises an authentically told, visual treat. But only time will tell how well the show is received.
Watch the trailer of Rocket Boys and let us know your reactions in the comments below-