Noida: Residents of Civitech Stadia, a highrise in Sector 79, Noida, staged a protest against the developer of the society for irregular power supply. They complained that the developer appointed maintenance agency is not paying attention to the fault and people are at the receiving end with frequent power outages.
The residents complained that the maintenance agency staff are passing the buck by saying that there is a problem in the main supply line, which is not true. They said that when they talked to the officials of Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (PVVNL), they came to know that there is no fault in the supply line. Instead, the officials said that problem would be with the internal supply line of the society.
It forced the residents to come out and protest against the irregular power supply. The residents went ahead by saying that the maintenance staff behaved rudely when they were complaining about the issue. The staff accused the residents of playing politics. Moreover, the residents said that the developer has not been picking their phone calls, with whom they wanted to raise the issue as well.
The residents face huge inconvenience whenever the power supply gets interrupted. On the other hand, the developer is also not making an alternate arrangement as they give excuses that operation of DG sets is banned due to pollution. Residents said that they would continue their protest until the issues are solved.